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BEAM Plus - Building Environmental Assessment Method is a comprehensive environmental assessment tool for buildings which is carried out on a voluntary basis. It defines the best practice criteria for a range of sustainability issues across the whole life-cycle of buildings.


Owned and operated by the BEAM Society Limited (BSL), it is recognised as one of the world’s leading green building assessment tools.


The Development of BEAM Plus Existing Schools Version 2.0 (ES v2.0)


The assessment tool of BEAM Plus Existing Schools Version 2.0 is specifically designed to assess the sustainability performance of school premises. Considering both the hardware and software elements of an existing school, the assessment criteria define a range of sustainability issues and/ or best practices to help schools reduce energy consumption and carbon emission. It also places emphasis on integrating green awareness into education through enhancing the environmental awareness of teachers and students.


Performance Categories


The assessment framework of BEAM Plus ES v2.0 includes the following categories:

Sustainable Leadership and Learning
Sustainable Leadership and Learning
Efficient Use of Resources
Efficient Use of Resources
Sustainable Campus Environment
Sustainable Campus Environment
Health, Comfort & Happiness
Health, Comfort & Happiness
Innovations and Additions
Innovations and Additions



Schools attaining an overall score of 50 or above are certified as “Green” in BEAM Plus Existing Schools.

A certified Green school would be additionally awarded for outstanding performance(s) for any performance category if the percentage of credit points of any category exceeds or equivalent to 70%.

Overall Score
Outstanding Performance
in any individual category
Outstanding Performance 
in any individual category
Credit Point Achievement in any Category

For details of the assessment process, please visit: https://www.beamsociety.org.hk/en/BEAM-Plus/BEAM-Plus-Existing-Schools


Certification and Plaque


To express gratitude for the Trust’s contribution to the Project and recognise the schools’ commitment and effort to fostering sustainable campuses, an acknowledgement plaque will be installed in each participating school, showcasing the certification of “BEAM Plus Existing Schools” after the assessment.

3c. Closing - Certification Presentation
3c. ES Green seal 2023